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Business Source Corporate

The Business Source Corporate database from EBSCO provides access to articles from a range of journals, company reports and market research reports on top industry sectors.
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Selected titles

A curated selection of journal titles available from the database can be accessed through the following topic pages, as well as through the A-Z of journals.

Title lists

The Business Source Corporate Plus database includes a broad range of over 4,400 magazines including leading business journals, trade magazines and general periodicals. A complete list of journals is available through the full title lists from EBSCO.


Search across the entire range of journals, market research reports and trade titles available from Business Source Corporate or select a publication group from the list below.

You can also search the Business Source Corporate Plus database through the search tools in our library search, company research and industry guides sections. Alternatively, go to the Business Source Corporate Plus database to access the full range of search functionality.

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