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Here is our step-by-step guide to preparing for the next ICAEW Pathways submission window.

1. Check your eligibility

Before proceeding, please check you meet our eligibility criteria for a Pathways candidate.

2. Register as a candidate

If you are eligible, please register as a Pathways candidate. We recommend you register at the earliest opportunity before submitting an application, this ensures you are correctly set up on our system beforehand.

I do not have an ICAEW record number

If you have not previously applied for Pathways, or any ICAEW qualification or course, you will need to register your details with ICAEW first to get a candidate record number. This candidate record number is essential to beginning your submission.

I have an ICAEW record number

If you have an existing student or member number, perhaps you are an ICAEW General Affiliate, student or an ICAEW Faculty member for example. Then you MUST use your existing ICAEW number to register for Pathways. If in doubt, please contact us to check or if you have forgotten your ICAEW record number.

3. Complete the requirements

Your completed Pathways submission will need to include: 

There are resources and frequently asked questions (FAQs) available to help guide you through the process towards a successful submission, we would recommend Pathways candidates use of these resources before submitting.

4. Submit

If you have completed all the necessary elements, please proceed to visit the relevant page to submit your application.

Permitted attempts

All eligible Pathway candidates are entitled to a maximum of four attempts to pass – while the route remains open.

If you submitted an attempt under the previous Pathways scheme (i.e., at any point before 2017), then any of your previous attempts will be counted as part of your maximum four attempt allowance. As an example, if you attempted the Examination of Experience three times before 2017, you would now only have one attempt remaining before you reach the maximum number of attempts allowed.

Interactive Pathways guide

PDF (4,863kb)

Access an editable copy of our interactive Pathways guide to print or save.

Contact us

For all Pathways enquiries, please contact the Pathways team.