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Taking care of yourself as a business owner

Author: ICAEW

Published: 09 May 2022

Business owners often overlook one critical element of driving success – looking after their mental health. The pandemic created a culture of all work and no play for many small businesses. World Mental Health Day provides an opportunity to reflect on how we can take care of ourselves and our businesses.


Feeling a lack of control over rising costs of running a business including inflation, interest rates, national insurance, business rates and electricity but to name a few can quickly turn into anguish and being completely overwhelmed with how monthly costs will be met.

The good news is that an efficient book-keeping software package connected to a bank feed can give you real time information about how you are doing today, and map costs and projections for the coming months so you can protect against running out of cash unexpectedly.

Set proper time aside for business strategy

It is so easy to get caught up on the hamster wheel of running the business itself. As the business owner you are the person who can step in and get things done when all else fails.

But you do need to delegate even if not up to your exacting standards and set aside allocated to understand where this month’s/years/next 3 year’s focus needs to be, what your personal and business goals are and the steps you need to take to achieve these.

Having trusted business advisers on board is key to setting and delivering a winning strategy for your business.

Morning meditation

Many entrepreneurs find that starting the day off with a self-care activity such as exercise or meditation increases productivity throughout the day. Influencers such as Tony Robins have long been advocates of the power of mindfulness in harnessing the strengths of the business owner who is carrying innumerate responsibilities for the business. Apps such as Headspace can provide an easy way to give this a try.

Look after your people

Employees may be struggling on in silence which is bad for them and even worse for business if they reach a point where they can no longer carry out their duties. As employers we have a responsibility to support employees with health issues including mental health whether work related or otherwise.

  • Read more about supporting mental health in the workplace

Clean up your sleep routine

We’ve heard it all before but now more than ever working from home and constant connectivity has destroyed deep and REM sleep that has a lasting and cumulative impact on our ability to function at high levels on a day-to-day basis.

Scheduling a cleaner sleep routine whether it involves turning off screens two hours before bed, eating your evening meal a bit earlier or having a relaxing bath can help you get more out of your business day and stave off anxiety.

There’s only one of you – look after yourself well!