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Public Sector Financial Reporting

Read the latest insights on financial reporting and accounting in the public sector, including developments in International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Find out more about how governments around the world are adopting accrual accounting and producing financial reports similar to those used in the private sector, and the public sector specific issues they need to consider.

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Technical round-up: June 2024

This month’s top stories include an explainer on the basis period reform, a summary of the key tax policies from the main parties’ general election 2024 manifestos; and HMRC reminds taxpayers about roll-over relief claims.

Technical round-up: May 2024

This month’s top stories include a HMRC warning about VAT bank details fraud; an NAO report showing taxpayers have been let down by poor HMRC service; and HMRC rejecting the ‘brightline’ test for furnished holiday lets.


Reports and analysis