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Student Insights

Improve your digital skills with ICAEW

Author: ICAEW Insights

Published: 08 Jan 2025

young man student studying looking at laptop wearing headphones writing taking notes

Enhance your technology skills for free via online courses available to ICAEW CFAB and ACA students from ICAEW and partner organisations.

Learning about the latest technologies, their risks and opportunities is becoming a major part of our qualifications and syllabus. That’s because, as a student, you’ll be expected to use many of these smart solutions in your career, from data analytics to risk assessment.

To help sharpen your skills, there’s a wide range of training and support available, both through ICAEW and externally. 

Here’s a quick guide to ways you can boost your technology knowledge and skills, and help you get the essential training you need. 

Become a Xero hero

Students can complete a series of courses and certifications for free from Xero, one of the world's largest and best known cloud accounting software providers. They’re available to everyone, although students have exclusive access to a structured learning journey.

You can begin your learning with the Xero Advisor Certification. After completing the Xero Advisor certification and additional courses, students will be able to set up Xero and run it on a day to day basis, get clients up and running on Xero, understand the differences between cloud accounting versus traditional book-keeping and much more. 

Finance in a Digital World

If you don’t know what a blockchain is, how AI might impact the workplace or how predictive analytics works, don’t worry, you’re not alone.

To help, ICAEW and Deloitte have joined forces to develop Finance in a Digital World, a suite of online learning modules to support students through the complex world of disruptive digital technologies. 

It promises to help you develop awareness and build understanding of digital technologies and their impact on finance using videos, case studies and interactive exercises. 

The flexible eLearning course is free to access for ICAEW members and students. All you need is your student number to login.

In-house expertise

Often, the best way to stay on top of the latest buzz is to tap into the major font of knowledge that is the ICAEW’s tech team.

The team regularly produces guidance and resources across technology trends - whether that’s artificial intelligence or cybersecurity. That’s all available on the ICAEW technology webpage

You should also consider joining ICAEW’s Data Analytics Community for regular newsletters and events on the subject.

Head to the library

Like all good institutions, our library is packed with resources. The data analytics section is a goldmine for digital finance and data strategy resources, packed with insights on their practical application in business.

Find out more by visiting the Library & Information Service.

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