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Introducing the Personal Finance series

We have partnered with Nebula Learning to develop the Personal Finance series and help you grow your knowledge of economics, understand more about investing, improve your spending habits and more.

Introducing the Personal Finance series

From books that you, and everyone, should read to change the way you think about money to key economic concepts that will help you make more informed decisions in your life, the series will provide you with the skills, knowledge and behaviours you need to succeed now and in the future.

To develop the Personal Finance series, we have partnered with Nebula Learning, an education company that provides free financial resources to UK schools.

Together with her team, Bethany Staff, an ICAEW member and co-founder of Nebula Learning, will help you grow your knowledge of economics, understand more about investing, improve your spending habits and more.

Why is Personal Finance so important?

From a young age we are expected to make big financial decisions which have long-term consequences - how to pay for university fees, how to finance purchasing our first car or whether or not to take out a credit card. It's often hard to cut through the jargon and the financial details to understand exactly what we're signing up for.

We believe that without a strong financial understanding it's quite easy to make poor decisions that could land us later on in hot water, such as problematic debt or unsustainable spending habits.

That's where we hope this series comes in - to equip you with what you need to make informed decisions in the future. 

What to expect from the series 

We'll be posting fortnightly content, covering not just the basics, such as budgeting and being a savvy consumer, but also helping you to think about long-term investment and better understanding debt.

What would you like to learn?

As the series develops, you will have the chance to get involved and let us know what you'd like to learn more about.


The series is available exclusively to those signed up to ICAEW Careers+.

Not registered yet? Then head over to icaew.com/careersplus to join for free.