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Electronic Working Papers

The suitability of Electronic Working Papers software for any specific user will always be dependent upon that user's individual requirements. These requirements should therefore always be fully considered before software is acquired. The quality of the software developers or suppliers should also be considered at the onset.

  • Be capable of providing the document creation and processing functions for which it was designed.
  • Provide capture and collation of relevant data via a secure method.
  • Provide facilities to ensure the completeness, accuracy, confidentiality and continued integrity of the document creation functions.
  • If used for an audit, provide evidence that the audit was performed in accordance with the appropriate auditing standards, and provides features to support reviewing, approving and cross-referencing work done together with providing functionality to support communication between the various parties to the audit.
  • Be effectively supported and maintained.

Thomson Reuters Cloud Audit Suite

Cloud Audit Suite introduces audit solutions to confidently complete audits faster with intuitive workflows that guide auditors through every step of the process.

By relying on modern technology, auditors can securely work from anywhere and access audit data online that updates stakeholders in real time.

Integrated with Thomson Reuters Confirmation platform, enabling automated audit confirmations.

Download the full Cloud Audit Suite Evaluation Report