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Frequently asked questions on firm changes.

How are trading names and offices charged?

For the purposes of the fee bands, if a firm has any trading names, these are not included in the number of offices that a firm has. Instead, a fixed fee of £100 is charged for adding a trading name.

Two or more firms are going to merge and the name of the resulting firm will change. What will we have to pay?

If firms merge, they will remain liable for any existing fees owed, but they will not have to pay a registration fee for the new firm in the calendar year of merger. This only applies if all the firms involved in the merger were previously registered. A new application form will be required from the new firm.

Please ensure you inform us of the merger within 10 business days by filling in the mergers and acquisition application form.

Our firm is being dissolved – what do we need to pay to ICAEW?

If a firm is dissolved and two or more firms are set up, any new firms wishing to be licensed / become a registered auditor will have to apply for a licence. Any fees owed by the original firm will have to be paid before any new applications can be considered.

Please ensure you inform us of the merger within 10 business days by filling in the mergers and acquisition application form.

One of our principals is leaving to form a new practice – what do we need to do?

Any new firms have to submit the relevant application form and pay a registration fee.

Our firm is about to acquire another firm – what do we need to pay?

An ICAEW regulated firm that acquires another firm will be liable to pay all fees owed by both firms. Please ensure you inform us of the merger within 10 business days by filling in the mergers and acquisition application form.

Our firm is changing its legal form – do we need to pay any further fees?

If your firm changes to a limited company or to a limited liability partnership, no additional fee for the year will be required, providing:

  • all the existing principals continue as members or directors/shareholders in the new entity; and
  • no new members or directors/shareholders are added; and
  • the licence of the former entity is surrendered at the same time.

However, your firm must submit a new application form as it is a different legal entity that is now registered.

Our firm is changing its name – what do we need to do?

If a firm changes its name, the fee payable will not be affected unless the change arises from a merger (see paragraph 5). ICAEW must be informed, in writing, of the firm’s change in name. It will not be required to submit a new application or to pay a further fee, unless the practice has increased the number of principals or offices. All other changes in circumstances affecting the firm must be notified to ICAEW within 10 business days by filling out the notification of standing data changes form.

Our licence has been withdrawn – do we need to pay any fees?

If your firm’s licence is withdrawn by order of an ICAEW committee, your firm remains liable for its full licence fee and for any levy(ies).

How can we withdraw our licence?

If your firm wishes to withdraw its licence(s), you must fill in the form

Please note: all outstanding fees and levies must still be paid.