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Register a group of training offices

Where a group of offices within the same organisation operates as one business unit and has common training policies and working practices, they can be set up as a training office group.

The benefits of registering a group of training offices includes: 

  • training administration can be centralised at one main office; 
  • students can work for other offices in the group without recording that time as a secondment; 
  • students can be exposed to a greater variety and depth of work experience across the group; and 
  • the qualified person responsible for training (QPRT) can nominate suitable individuals to take responsibility for training in the subsidiary offices. 

The training office group must nominate one office to be the principal office, which will be the ‘head’ office for training purposes. The main individual responsible for training or the QPRT should be based at this office. 

All other offices in the group, known as subsidiary offices, must nominate a person responsible for training (PRT) each. 

Register a training office group

Download and complete this form to register a training office group.
