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Exam resources

In addition to your learning materials, there are lots of exam resources available designed to help you prepare for your exams. You can access the exam syllabus, study guides, errata sheets, sample exams, webinars introducing you to each exam and articles filled with exam top tips.

Your exam resources

You can sit each exam in any order, at a time that is convenient for you, making it easier for you to fit studying around your work and personal commitments. Each exam is 90 minutes long, and you will need to achieve 55% in each exam in order to pass. You have a maximum of four attempts at each exam. Make sure you are prepared for each exam by making use of the exam resources available to you.

Extra resources

All the resources you need to support your studies.

ICAEW CFAB planner 2023

Keep on track - use the planner to plan ahead and keep organised throughout the year.

Remote exam guide

Exam guidance for sitting an exam via remote invigilation.

Centre exam guide

Exam guidance for sitting an exam at an exam centre.

On-demand webinars

Webinar title Link
Excel essentials 
Learn the Excel essentials. Get the skills and knowledge required to use Excel efficiently, while delivering effective and reliable end results.
Watch now
How to use your exam resources  
Explore the exam resources we offer and find out how you can apply them to your studies.
Watch now