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How to increase budgetary impact without spending more money

This Business and Management Faculty webinar took place on 16 November 2021.

All organisations buy products or services, transform them, and sell them to end customers. This webinar will focus on some of the key procurement practices and mindsets essential for getting maximum value and reliability from your suppliers. These suppliers are entities you do not own, and whose staff you do not employ, and yet you rely on many of them to serve your end customers.

The webinar will cover several critical areas including:

  • Exposing the myths that burn up budgets and dissipate hard-earned revenue.
  • How to achieve high-performance through procurement transformation which changes cross-company culture and saves money in the process.
  • How as financial professionals you can support procurement activities in adding value to your organisation.
  • Case studies showing how transformed procurement creates better business.

Webinar resources

Speaker details

Dr Richard Russill PhD BSc FCIPS
Mobile: 07785 258134

Nick Wildgoose BA(HONS) FCA FCIPS
Mobile: 07305 648226