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KPMG Connect On Board – are you considering a non-executive director career?

ICAEW members in the UK can explore non-executive opportunities through an online platform provided by KPMG.

ICAEW members interested in beginning or developing a portfolio non-executive career are invited to register on an online platform provided by KPMG.

Connect On Board has been designed to help non-executive directors, both aspiring and experienced develop their careers. It also supports organisations who would like to advertise non-executive director (NED) roles to a wider talent pool for their boards. 

To attract talented people from diverse backgrounds requires a change in approach and recruitment processes. Pindy Dhillon who leads Connect On Board at KPMG, believes everyone in business should be represented both at board and executive level, she said, “with increasing demand from boards for more skills and diversity to face todays challenges, we built Connect On Board to provide people with a place to go to look for more interesting candidates and break down barriers for those considering embarking on a non-executive career. We now have over 3000 candidates and collaborate with some of the UK’s leading search firms who use the platform to access the very many talented individuals who have become members”..

Connect On Board also hosts a variety of materials to support people with their careers and professional development including videos and publications. In addition the KPMG Board Leadership Centre offers an events programme, website and LinkedIn page all offering support, tools and guidance for board and committee members.

ICAEW members in the UK are invited to register their interest in Connect On Board. You need to submit a CV showing a solid foundation of executive roles, any prior board experience (UK and/or overseas), thorough awareness of corporate governance issues boards need to comply with, and a deep business/sector understanding. Please note all candidates will be subjected to a verification process.

Are you looking for talented non-executives for your board? Advertise with Connect On Board for free.

For organisations seeking a NED, Connect On Board can offer free ‘business access’ to advertise non-executive roles. Email the team at kpmgonboardmembership@kpmg.co.uk to find out more.

Connect On Board is free to use and allows members to convey the full breadth of their skills, experience, and career ambitions. It is supported by several organisations including IoD, CBI, ICAS, Institute for Family Business, the Quoted Companies Alliance, and several leading executive search firms. If you have any questions, please contact the Connect On Board team.

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