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Services for business

Find out more about services that practitioners can provide to businesses. Includes information on audit, insolvency, investments, probate and other areas of advice.

In this section

Become a registered auditor

This section explains what constitutes regulated audit work, what is meant by the term 'registered auditor' and how your firm can become a registered auditor. Application forms are also available in this section as well as a guide to which forms your firm will need to complete.

Practice helpsheets

Helpsheets prepared by ICAEW Technical Advisory Services to assist you in your day-to-day work. We offer practical advice, respond to frequently asked questions and highlight the issues you may need to consider.


The pensions landscape is going through a period of substantial change at present. Through our pension topic pages you can access a range of articles, books, helpsheets, reports and online resources to help you keep up with the latest developments.

Business adviser's guide

This step-by-step guide from the Pensions Regulator shows how you can help your clients with their automatic enrolment duties.

ICAEW's guide to directors' duties and responsibilities

This ICAEW guide provides an overview of directors' duties and responsibilities, including on internal governance, transactions between a company and its directors or shareholders, and corporate administration. It also covers responsibilities in relation to insolvent or financially challenged companies, as well as penalties for breach of directors' responsibilities.

Marketing your restructuring and insolvency services

ICAEW and our Restructuring & Insolvency Community have developed a suite of materials to help you promote the value of ICAEW insolvency practitioners. The guide and videos can be shared with your clients, business partners and staff. The materials provide a view of the direction of the market and offer guidance on the seven stages of business recovery and the role of insolvency and restructuring specialists.

Guidance on corporate insolvency casework

The resources in this section support the work of ICAEW licensed insolvency practitioners and their staff who undertake formal corporate insolvency appointments under the Insolvency Act 1986 (and associated legislation). Guidance and checklists providing information on: liquidations (voluntary and compulsory), company voluntary arrangements (CVAs), administrations, moratoriums and administrative receiverships.

How to prepare for mandatory payrolling of benefits in kind

HMRC has announced that employers must payroll benefits in kind from April 2026. In this article, Michael Nicolaides and Kym Wise consider what we do and do not know about HMRC’s plans, and how employers can begin to prepare for the changes.

Virtual Finance Director

How to become a virtual FD

A guide from Xero that seeks to explain how to become a Virtual CFO and provide the valuable services to your clients.

ICAEW educational films

All Too Familiar ™

All Too Familiar is an award-winning 16-minute training film which explores the degree of trust still placed in personal and professional relationships and whether trust is enough in the fight against economic crime. It aims to challenge mindsets and provoke discussion on the need for greater professional scepticism when faced with potential money laundering risks.

False Assurance ®

This 35-minute film follows the story of two turbulent years in the life of a fictitious company called D-Merton and how it was brought to its knees by the actions of its executive directors, the lack of vigilance and courage by its board of directors and failure by the company’s auditors to identify and investigate red flag issues.

Without Question ®

Without Question focuses on the importance of professional scepticism and extends the scrutiny of behaviours to tax advisors as well as auditors. It probes issues such as reliance on experts, accounting estimates and confidentiality.