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Achieving work life balance

Author: Samantha Collins

Published: 23 Jan 2011

Balancing work and life responsibilities is a challenge many members face. Chartered accountants often feel under pressure to work long hours, and striving to succeed in a demanding role can take its toll on your home life.

At one of our events on how to achieve work-life balance, acclaimed life coach Samantha Collins shared her ideas for achieving a balance.   

Time management

  • Focus on outcomes – ‘What do I want to happen?’ instead of ‘What do I have to do?’
  • Don’t do everything – 20% of your actions get 80% of your results
  • Schedule preparation and planning time into your diary to avoid ‘overwhelm’
  • Take time before you say yes or no to a new project, and have clear decision criteria
  • Schedule pockets of ‘open time’ in your diary – spare time to allow for the unexpected
  • Take time out to weed your commitments on a regular basis. If you take on a commitment which you don’t do properly, the time spent on it is wasted
  • Create a ‘not to do’ list and tick things off when you don’t do them
  • Deal with emails at only two set points in the day – mid-morning and mid-afternoon

Find a buddy or mentor

Once you’ve decided that you want to make a change, find a buddy to share your goals with – perhaps someone who also wants to achieve a better work-life balance. Mentor each other and follow up to see whether you’ve each done what you agreed to do. If you haven’t, discuss why not.

 About the author

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Samantha Collins Life coach

In 2000, Samantha founded Aspire, a thriving executive coaching firm for women. Since then, she has received an award from the Queen as one of the top 200 women to impact business and industry.