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23. Ratio. proportion and rates of change

Managing a budget during a period of high inflation

Pupils analyse data provided by the ONS to analyse the impact of supply chain issues in the food industry.


Given the 2022-23 surge in energy and food prices, your headteacher has asked your class to assist with optimising the school’s budget for the following year to absorb these costs. As part of this exercise, you will need to consider how various costs incurred by the school relate to aspects of the school’s operations, such as the number of pupils and classrooms.

Curriculum references

National Curriculum 5.02a Solve simple problems involving quantities in direct proportion including algebraic proportions. Currency conversion. Formulate equations and solve problems involving a quantity in direct proportion to a power or root of another quantity. 
OCR 5.02a Solve simple problems involving quantities in direct proportion including algebraic proportions. Currency conversion. Formulate equations and solve problems involving a quantity in direct proportion to a power or root of another quantity.
AQA Edexcel R10 Solve problems involving direct and inverse proportion, including graphical and algebraic representations.