Our ethical behaviour, both actual and perceived, is fundamental to maintaining ICAEW’s reputation, promoting trust and inspiring confidence in it and its members. Ethical behaviour is also part of our identity.
This code outlines ICAEW’s values and the standards of behaviour expected of all who represent it, including contractors, consultants, agents and suppliers. These are derived with reference to ICAEW’s key brand attributes and from the Code of Ethics applicable to our members. Should the advice in this code conflict with laws, regulations and detailed policies, the latter prevails.
We will:
- be straightforward and honest in our dealings: this implies fair dealing and truthfulness;
- be consistent: our actions will reflect our words;
- be open to new ideas, information and suggestions;
- take corrective action when mistakes happen;
- take into account the public interest; and
- not misrepresent ourselves or associate ourselves with misleading or false information.
See also
We will:
- have regard to the facts and considerations relevant to the task at hand;
- not allow bias, self-interest or personal gain to override the interests of ICAEW; and
- be even-handed in our treatment of all individuals and departments.
Competence and due care
We will:
- comply with applicable laws, regulations and standards;
- seek to maintain and enhance our skills, knowledge and experience as needed to fulfil our role;
- strive for high technical, professional and service standards; and
- not intentionally mislead others as to our capabilities and experience.
See also
- ICAEW as a regulator
- ICAEW policies
Respect for others
We will:
- behave in a professional manner so as not to discredit ICAEW;
- listen, be inclusive and courteous; and
- treat others with dignity, as we would want to be treated.
See also
Fraud, bribery and corruption
We will:
- not be involved in fraud, bribery or corruption;
- not accept gifts and entertainment which could influence our judgement and objectivity; and
- not seek to influence others’ judgement, through monetary or other reward (however described), to achieve improper performance.
See also
We will:
- not use information acquired as a result of work activities for personal gain or the advantage of competitors; and
- ensure that the confidentiality of information acquired as a result of work activities is maintained.
See also
Corporate responsibility
We will:
- meet its responsibilities in support of a sustainable world, by seeking to enhance the benefits and reduce the adverse impacts of its activities and by meeting its public interest obligations; and
- achieve this by providing expert advice, developing new partnerships, sharing best practice and responding to changes in external trends with new initiatives.