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Guyana's contact member

Khalil Alli is the Contact Member for Guyana. He is your point of contact for members' enquiries and act as ambassadors in promoting ICAEW strategy and brand within Guyana.

Contact Member's details

Khalil Alli FCA

Audit Partner, Jack A. Alli, Sons & Co

Tel: 00 592 226 2904
Email: khalil.alli@jaasco.com
145 Crown Street,


Khallil AliKhalil Alli is a Partner with the firm of Jack A. Alli, Sons & Co., a leading accountancy firm located in Guyana, West Indies. He joined the firm in 2001 and was admitted to partnership in 2005.

Prior to joining the firm, Khalil qualified as a chartered accountant while working with the London office of PricewaterhouseCoopers UK. He had joined Price Waterhouse in 1997 after studying Economics at undergraduate and postgraduate levels at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

As the lead audit partner in the forty-seven year old practice, Khalil is responsible for audits of entities in a wide variety of industries in Guyana including banking, insurance, mining, energy, manufacturing, brewing, retail and distribution. Apart from his vast audit experience he also has significant experience in advising clients on corporate governance and taxation matters in Guyana. He is also a regular speaker on International Financial Reporting Standards and International Standards on Auditing.

Khalil served as President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Guyana from 2008 to 2011. He has been a Director of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of the Caribbean since 2011 and has also served as the ICAEW representative to that body since 2008.

Khalil is married and has two sons.