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Your diversity stories

Here we feature interviews and profiles of diverse voices and those working within the D&I field in the accountancy profession.

International Women's Day Interviews

In celebration of International Women’s Day Marcia Dyce, (Diversity & Inclusion Community Manager), talks to three inspirational female professionals, who share their personal journeys and 10 top tips for success.

LGBT network in profile

Together is ICAEW’s inclusive community focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT+) issues. Our mission is to create an open, progressive and informed working environment to support ICAEW's employees and stakeholders. Check out our profiles below.

Inclusive action for all gender identities

14 July: To mark International Non-Binary People's Day, Nicky Burr and Nicola Robson from EY share their experiences of being trans and non-binary, and why raising awareness of these issues in businesses is important.

My grandmother’s Windrush experience

22 June 2020: this Windrush Day, ICAEW’s Communities Manager, Marcia Dyce, shares the story of her grandmother’s journey to the UK from Jamaica in 1952, and the life she built for herself in Britain.

Women in accountancy: your stories

The heart of our centenary campaign brought to light the stories of our members in chartered accountancy, so we could fully grasp the progress we’ve made and understand what more there is to do to achieve gender equality in the profession.