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Virtual Solicitors Conference 2024

17 October 2024

ICAEW's annual Solicitors Conference provides finance professionals working in this specialist area with expert insight and knowledge.

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Sessions will cover a range of practical and technical issues to keep you at the top of your field, enabling you to provide your clients with solutions to the challenges in this ever-changing sector.


Gain insight into the key benchmarks and performance indicators being monitored by successful law firms.



Gain valuable knowledge specifically applicable to your role and stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of in-house legal practice.


SRA updates

Update on latest SRA guidance, consultations and the state of play with the SRA Accounts Rules generally.



Earn up to 5 hours of verifiable CPD by attending this event.

2024 programme

Please note that the programme is subject to change.

Morning sessions

Chair's Welcome and Introduction
Ian Johnson, Chair, Solicitors Community, ICAEW
SRA update and themes identified in qualified accountant’s reports
Sara Houchen, Forensic Investigation Manager at the SRA will give an update on the SRA’s Consumer Protection Review and the issues being considered as part of the review. Compliance with the Accounts Rules and common issues reported in QARs and identified during on-site visits by the SRA’s Forensic Investigation Unit.
How to attract and retain talent in a highly competitive environment?
One out of five employees resign due to toxic workplace culture, highlighting the critical need for firms to prioritise the creation of a healthy and supportive work environment. In this webinar Andre Thomas, CEO of Thomas Telman will discuss the steps to take to have a people strategy that motivates and provides the best return on investment.
Ditch the billable hour! Our iceberg is melting
Value based pricing is a very hot topic at present. Gen Ai has only exacerbated an existing problem. When you add into the equation lawyer burnout becoming more evident, plus the pressure on fees and dislike of the billable hour this subject should be of interest to all members of the legal profession both lawyers and management professionals. Shaun Jardine, Director at Big Yellow Penguin, will provide expert insights into these pressing issues.

Afternoon sessions

Tax Update
Robert Blech, Director, MHA
PwC's annual Law Firms' Survey 2024
Leon Hutchinson, Director, Assurance, PwC will present the latest annual PwC Law Firms' Survey from PwC covering topics such as financial performance, people, working capital and strategy.
SRA Accounts Rules Update
Janet Taylor's annual update for conference delegates on the impacts of any changes, common problems and risks around compliance with the SRA Accounts Rules.
Chair’s closing remarks
Ian Johnson, Chair, Solicitors Community, ICAEW
Conference End

Conference Chairs

Speaker: Ian Johnson
Ian Johnson  Partner, Hazlewoods LLP 

Ian is a qualified accountant and auditor and has spent his professional life working almost exclusively with law firms, ranging from small sole practitioners to large international LLPs, Limited Companies and PLCs. Ian spent a number of years as an auditor at a Big 4 accountancy firm, working with some of the UK’s largest law firms. He then spent more than 15 years as a legal sector specialist and is currently part of the Executive Council of The Institute of Legal Finance and Management (ILFM) and Chair of the ICAEW Solicitors Advisory Committee.

Speaker: Robert Blech
Robert Blech Partner, MHA

Robert is a qualified accountant and specialises in accounts preparation, audit and general consultancy as well as areas of taxation. Robert has a legal background and due to his extensive technical knowledge and deep understanding of the sector, takes charge of Solicitor Accounts Rules audits and is responsible for training within the firm. Robert has worked within the industry for over 20 years and joined MHA MacIntyre Hudson in April 2019.

Our speakers

Meet the expert speakers supporting this event.

Shaun Jardine
Shaun Jardine Director, Big Yellow Penguin

Shaun is unashamedly and unapologetically a disruptor. As a lawyer and former law firm CEO of a top 250 UK law firm which employed over 240 people, he has a unique insight into what makes law firms tick. Shaun founded Big Yellow Penguin (BYP) in 2021 with the aim of encouraging and helping lawyers and law firms to move on from the 20th century and adopt pr actices, including value pricing, which will make their futures more secure, both financially and operationally, and enjoy practising their craft again.

Janet Taylor is Director at PKF Francis Clark and a speaker at ICAEW's Solicitors' Conference 2021
Janet Taylor FCA Taylor Mowbray LLP

Janet has been joint owner of Taylor Mowbray LLP for over 15 years. Prior to that she spent over 10 years with a top 20 accounting firm heading up their specialist solicitors’ group. She currently acts as a consultant to a large South West accounting firm as part of their specialist solicitors group. A highly experienced presenter Janet and over the last 20 years she has also become known as a specialist on the SRA Accounts Rules. She presents to a wide range of law firms through in-house and public seminars. Clients have included several major international and national law firms as well as accountants. Janet is the current Subject Matter Expert for the ICAEW’s Solicitors Community Advisory Group and co-author of the current version of the Law Society Solicitors and the Accounts Rules manual.

Speaker: Leon Hutchinson
Leon Hutchinson Director, Assurance, PwC

Leon is an Audit Director who works with a number of national and international law firm clients, advising them on accounting issues and SRA Accounts Rules compliance.

Andy Harris, Partner  at Hazlewoods LLP  and speaker at ICAEW Solicitors' Conference 2021
Andre Thomas CEO, Thomas Telman

Founder and chief visionary, is the driving force behind Thomas Telman. He is a regular contributor to the Law Society publication, Managing for Success and is a speaker at conferences providing guidance on how firms can develop their employer brand for a better ROI.

Sara Houchen
Sara Houchen Forensic Investigation Manager, SRA

Sara is a Forensic Investigation Manager at the SRA who has worked in the regulatory sector for 24 years, 19 of those investigating solicitors. She manages a team of Forensic Investigation Officers and also leads the team responsible for the review of qualified accountant’s reports received by the SRA.


This year the line up of speakers was excellent, thank you.

Previous attendee ICAEW's Solicitors Conference 2023

As an accountant new to the Legal sector, this was a fascinating and really useful insight into a broad range of topics.

Previous attendee ICAEW's Solicitors Conference 2023

The conference offers a wide range of interesting topics. The virtual format allows delegates to pick and choose their sessions according to other work commitments.

Previous attendee ICAEW's Solicitors Conference 2023

An interesting and diverse set of sessions, all thought-provoking and informative.

Previous attendee ICAEW's Solicitors Conference 2023

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