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Legal helpline

ICAEW members based in England and Wales have access to a free Legal Helpline, provided by CABA. All areas of personal law are covered for whenever you have a legal enquiry.

Their 24 hour helpline for past and present ICAEW members and their families gives access to a legal department manned by lawyers and qualified legal advisors. You can ring the 24 hour helpline on +44 (0) 1788 556 366 or chat to an advisor online to ask questions about your legal rights and get advice on a legal situation.

Legal advice for individuals

Whether your enquiry relates to family, consumer or property law, or you need advice on the legal issues facing your business, they have a wealth of information online.

Their comprehensive legal support services for individuals are provided by Law Express Personal, the UK’s leading legal advice and online information specialist.

Legal signposting services

Alongside CABA’s online services, they also offer signposting services to relevant organisations, and to a list of reliable law firms should you need to appoint legal representation.

If you can’t find what you need online, call their 24 hour legal helpline and arrange to speak to an expert advisor on +44 (0) 1788 556 366.