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Excel Community group membership

The Excel Community is for professionals who use Excel and want to understand how to use it better. Joining the Excel Community as a group member will provide you with an Excel online training dashboard so you can monitor the training progress of your teams- seeing how their Excel IQ increases.

What do Excel Community group members receive?

Members of the community have access to:

  • A fortnightly e-bulletin that summaries all the latest Excel Community content
  • Weekly articles on how to use Excel better, specific areas of functionality and how to reduce risk
  • Technical publications
  • Free registration to Excel Community webinars and access to a back catalogue of recordings 

How much is membership?

Individual membership of the Excel Community is £63 + VAT until the end of 2023.

Group membership

Group membership is available for 10+ individuals from the same organisation. Pricing is dependent on how many people join from an organisation. The more people, the less is it per individual. For further details about group membership and its pricing, contact Tracy Gray – Senior Services Manager.