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We have compiled the following common mistakes students are making in their ICAEW CFAB and ACA Certificate Level exams.

Make sure you make a note of these listed below to avoid unnecessarily losing marks in your exams:

  • Be careful not to add an extra zero (eg, 530000000 instead of 53000000)
  • Insert the right answer in the right box
  • Input either a 0 or – (not both)
  • If the answer is zero, do not place brackets around this (0)
  • Input dates in the format requested, dd/mm/yy instead of dd/mm/yyyy
    (eg, 01/02/18 instead of 01/02/2018)
  • Ensure you put the comma in the right place (eg, 1,200000; 1200,000)
  • For negative numbers, ensure you have an open and closed bracket
    (eg, not (1000 instead of (1000))
  • Note the number of responses required (eg, select two on a multiple-response question)

As many of you will know, we are now offering remote invigilation for all ICAEW CFAB and ACA Certificate Level exams. In order to sit an exam remotely, you will need to ensure you have the equipment required to meet the technical specifications, including a strong internet connection. Even if you have successfully ran the system test, your internet connection can fluctuate. To ensure the best possible experience during your exam, please use the tips below.

Mobile phone

If your internet connection drops, the video connection will fail first, as this uses the most data, but you may not notice. You must be seen at all times throughout your exam, so the invigilator will try to contact you to provide support. If they cannot contact you via the webchat or audio features, they will call your mobile phone. To ensure you are not disturbed during your exam, you can keep your mobile phone out of arms reach, but on silent and in a place that you would be able to see it flashing, should any issues arise.

Internet connection

If your internet connection drops during your exam, anything that uses the most data will experience issues first. For example the video feed, webchat feature and questions that have the most data on screen, such as the scenario-based questions, and the calculator and/or scratchpad. Where possible, we would recommend the following:

  • before your exam, ensure there isn’t anyone in your household, or devices that could be using the internet connection (eg, streaming or downloading music or videos such as Netflix, Amazon Video, Alexa, YouTube), all these can affect your connection;
  • if you are unable to use a wired internet connection, sit in the same room as the router and try not to use a Wi-Fi extender; and
  • ask your broadband provider to check your connection – they may be able to improve this without incurring additional costs.

If your internet connection drops, your exam will freeze, the clock will be paused and your answers saved. If the connection drops momentarily and then reconnects you will be allowed to continue with your exam where you left off. If the connection drops several times or for a longer period of time your exam session will be ended and you will need to re-schedule.

If your exam session is ended, depending on how far you are into your exam, your exam session may be cancelled or you will be able to apply for the exam disruption appeal by emailing examdisruptionappeal@icaew.com

Remote invigilation FAQs