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March 2020 interviews and profiles

Meet leaders and innovators from the profession and beyond.

A view from here: Doug Field

23 March 2020: Doug Field, Joint Chief Executive of East of England Co-op, talks to writer Penelope Rance about how he got to where he is, and what advice he’d give new accountants.

How to tackle stress at work

23 March 2020: increasing pressures on audit, dealing with Brexit… stress levels among accountants are growing. CABA and Mind sat down to discuss how to deal with a problem on the rise.

Data disruptor: look beyond the numbers at the probabilities

3 March 2020: vast information streams engulf just about every business sector but, armed with algorithmic tools, professional statistician Nigel Marriott is akin to a modern-day fortune teller. He tells Penny Sukhraj what statistics can bring to business.

Business growth support simplified

2 March 2020: Rachel Underhill, Business Strategy Manager at ICAEW, explores the new offering from the government to help businesses grow.