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How has HMRC performed against the Charter in 2021/22?


Published: 08 Feb 2022 Update History

ICAEW’s Tax Faculty is seeking comments on HMRC’s performance against the Charter Standards. The faculty expects members’ primary concerns to relate to service performance and would welcome comments on this and other aspects.

HMRC’s Charter Stakeholder Group has been asked to comment on how HMRC has performed against Charter Standards in the period since April 2021, and any priority areas the group feels HMRC should focus on during 2022/23. 

This year, HMRC will be including the group’s unedited comments in the report, rather than summarising input received from each of the representative bodies.

To inform ICAEW’s input to the Charter Stakeholder Group, the Tax Faculty would welcome comments from members, ideally against each of the individual standards:

  • getting things right;
  • making things easy;
  • being responsive;
  • treating you fairly;
  • being aware of your personal situation; 
  • recognising that someone can represent you; and
  • keeping your data secure.

ICAEW has received a considerable amount of member feedback on poor HMRC performance, which will be used to inform its input. Further examples would be welcome as would comments on other elements of the Charter.

Putting aside the performance problems:

  1. Have you noticed any impact of the Charter on HMRC conduct between April 2021 and February 2022?
  2. What element of the Charter should HMRC focus on improvement in 2022/23?

Please send comments to caroline.miskin@icaew.com by 2 March 2022.

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