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Exclusive content
Access to our exclusive resources is for specific groups of users.
Learning materials for the Case Study module.
Partner in Learning exam resources

The only exclusive Case Study resource for Partners in Learning is the notes from past workshops from the annual tutor conferences.

Online Practice Software

To improve the student experience of accessing the practice software, we have allocated access to the online practice software to all students sitting in July. This is opposed to having them download the practice software and accessing it offline. Students who are already using the online practice software are free to continue using this for question practice.

To access the two Case Study walkthroughs, students should use the online practice software. The student’s username is the letter Q + ICAEW student number ie Q1234567. The password is qb2022.

Please continue to refer to our production schedules for expected releases.

Information for Tuition Providers on the Case Study exams from 2023

From July 2023, some changes are being introduced to the Case Study in order to improve the transparency of the marking process:

Presentation of appendix for Requirement 1 in the Case Study

The below note clarifies the presentation of appendices for Requirement 1 in the Case Study, in light of the introduction of computer-based exams for the July 2019 session.

Useful links

Key resources

Contact us

Qayam Abdul

For enquiries about becoming a Partner in Learning as a tuition provider, please contact:

Students exam resources

See what your students have access to. Access the Case Study syllabus, skills development grid, errata, past exam papers and mark plans, past illustrative scripts and advance information, and Vital articles.

Access student resources