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The Modern Slavery Act 2015

The Modern Slavery Act (the Act) came into force on 29 October 2015.

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 consolidates existing UK legislation on slavery, child labour and human trafficking and defined slavery (which includes servitude and forced and compulsory labour) as existing when a person is "held" or "forced" against their will by another person who knows or ought to know that the other person is being held in slavery or servitude or forced to perform compulsory labour. It introduced an Anti-Slavery Commissioner, new measures to protect victims and stiffer penalties for those convicted.

More controversially the Act also included a requirement for commercial organisations to report on what they are doing to combat slavery – the Section 54 ‘Transparency in Supply Chains’ Statement, sometimes called a Modern Slavery Statement.

These resources created by the Business Law department and Business and Management Faculty are to support members looking to prepare a Modern Slavery Statement for the first time or to update their existing statement.

Key resources

Webinar: Modern Slavery Act 2015 – how to spot supply chain risk

This webinar considers anticipated changes to the Modern Slavery Act and the potential implications for business and supply chain compliance and transparency.

An introduction to the Modern Slavery Act

This guide is an introduction to the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It explains some of the key definitions and requirements that are relevant to ICAEW members and member firms. It is not a definitive guide and it does not constitute legal advice. If in doubt members are advised to seek specialist and independent legal advice. 

Central registry for modern slavery statements

The long awaited, government run central registry for modern slavery statements has now been launched. Organisations can add their own statement to the registry and find out what other organisations are doing to eliminate modern slavery from their operations and supply chains. 

Modern Slavery Statements: Good and Bad Practice

Based on a review of modern slavery statements published in previous years, this guide highlights some of the common errors and omissions as well as showing some examples of good and bad practice.

What is a section 54 Transparency in Supply Chains Statement?

Under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 some organisations have to prepare a section 54 Transparency in Supply Chains Statement This guide is an introduction to the legal requirements and a brief overview of what to include, when and where the statement should be published.


The Modern Slavery Act: It doesn't apply to my organisation, or does it?

2016 webinar on the consequences of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 for businesses and organisations.

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Modern slavery: preparing a s54 statement – a case study

In this webinar from March 2021, Pentland Brands explains its approach to preparing a section 54 statement, including how this has evolved over the years and the challenges faced.

Useful sources of information

Preparing a s54 statement

In this webinar Pentland Brands explains its approach to preparing a section 54 statement and how it has evolved over time.

Watch now
Why modern slavery matters

A short video explaining what modern slavery is and why it should matter to every large and medium-sized business

View now
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