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Information law and guidance

Legal requirements for the disclosure and/or the with-holding of information.

Information law and guidance is the term we have used in relation to legal requirements for the disclosure and/or the with-holding of information, other than through the operation of company law, accounting, auditing or other standards, or though specialist legislation or regulation such as that applying to FSA registered organisations.

ICAEW guidance

Key Guidance for members is contained in the:

Members may also have obligations to provide information to the National Crime Agency (NCA) under anti-money laundering legislation or to various regulatory authorities. This may be either as an auditor or as an employee of a regulated entity.

Other specific material is available on:

Further resources

  1. Government to review outdated whistleblowing laws
  2. International law and guidance
  3. Probate services
  4. UK law and guidance on anti-money laundering
  5. SARs Top tips for effective reporting
  6. Making SARs safely