We are here to support you throughout your ACA journey, to ensure you have everything you need for your upcoming Advanced Level exam we have provided the tips below.
Preparing for your exam
Below are the resources to help you prepare for your exam. Read through the guidance, access the online practice exam software and watch the webinars available to you.
Exam resources
Question practice, past exams, webinars and more. Designed to help you prepare for your exam.
Data analytics software
- Guidance and the practice dataset for the Corporate Reporting exam
- Discover more about spreadsheet functionality in exams
Online practice software
To improve your experience of accessing the practice software while studying towards your November Advanced Level exams, you have been allocated access to the online practice software. This means you can use this instead of downloading the packaged software to use offline.
To access questions from the 2023 ICAEW question bank, please use this link. Your username is the letter Q + your ICAEW student number, for example Q1234567. The password is qb2022.
To access mock exams, add your username – the letter M + your ICAEW student number, for example, M1234567. Please contact your tuition provider for the password (there is a separate password per mock exam). Should you not be in tuition please contact learning@icaew.com.
We hope that this will improve your experience of accessing and using the practice software. Feedback on this is welcome and should be emailed to learning@icaew.com.
Spellcheck functionality
We have been informed by our suppliers of an issue with the spellcheck function within the exam software. To ensure the best user experience this function has been removed for upcoming November exams. You will not be penalised for errors in spelling and grammar.
Exam systems status page
Our exam systems page displays alerts, issues and updates relating to our exam systems. We recommend you check this page frequently, before and during your exams, for any updates.
Update your contact details
All instructions and any changes to your exam will be emailed to you. Please ensure that your contact details are up to date via your online training file.
What you need to do before your exam
Whether you are sitting your exam in a centre, or via remote invigilation, before the exam session please read the information below. If you have any questions please contact the Student Support team.
Advance information
Both the Case Study and Corporate Reporting exams have advance information included to help you prepare for your exam.
The advance information can then be added to your digital bookshelf. You can add the Case Study advance information to your bookshelf by visiting the ebookshop and selecting the relevant edition. The digital version will not be added automatically, you must visit the ebookshop for it to be available on your bookshelf.
The Corporate Reporting advance information comprises a document and an 11-month data set, both will be available for you to view on icaew.com/corporatereportingdas. The document will not be posted to you, however it will be available in the exam within the resources panel. You can also add the advanced information to your bookshelf by visiting the ebookshop and selecting the relevant edition. The digital version will not be added automatically, you must visit the ebookshop for it to be available on your bookshelf.
The advance information is still available as a traditional PDF, which can be printed and taken to your exam.
Errata sheets are there to show any corrections, please check the exam resources for any updated erratas before your exam.
Corporate Reporting has a recently updated errata sheet.
Exam applications summary
Make sure you carefully review your application summary and make a note of your exam date, time, venue address (where applicable) and your candidate number. You can also print your application details. We recommend you check your application summary the day before your exam in case of any unavoidable changes to your exam application such as the exam centre address.
Instructions to candidates
Find all the information you need before the big day, including what you can take into your exam and the rules you must follow. View the instructions to candidates here.
ICAEW Bookshelf - have you registered correctly?
Please check you have registered correctly for the ICAEW Bookshelf. You need to register using your existing ICAEW credentials. If you selected ‘new user’ at the registration stage your account will not be linked to your ICAEW account. This will result in your learning materials not being available via the ICAEW Bookshelf during open book exams.
You can check if you have registered correctly by logging into your ICAEW Bookshelf using the account details you use to access areas on icaew.com such as your training file. If you are not able to log in using those credentials, or you can log in but find your bookshelf is empty, please contact student support who will investigate moving your learning materials. Moving your learning materials will result in losing any notes and/or highlights you have made, however it will ensure you can access your learning materials within your open book exams.
Open book exams
The Advanced Level exams are open book. In your exam, you will be able to view all purchased learning materials and permitted texts via the ICAEW Bookshelf. You can also take any relevant hard copy notes into the exam, subject to desk space restrictions. Find out more about permitted texts and using digital materials in an exam.
Reminders if you are sitting your exam via remote invigilation
System check and exam link
You will receive your system check and exam link from exams.online@icaew.com two weeks before your exam, make sure you check your junk folder. Watch our video on how to complete your system check. If you do not receive this, please contact our student support team as soon as possible.
You must complete a mandatory system check by Wednesday 30 October at 12:00 noon (UK-time). Any software updates or changes on the computer that you will use to sit your exam may impact your ability to access the exam. Even if you've previously performed a system check, it is crucial to do so again.
Failure to complete this in advance of sitting your exam could result in you being unable to access your exam or facing technical issues on the day. You must complete your system check as soon as your receive the email. Please retain this email to access the exam link on your exam day.
Please be aware that any support required from ICAEW can only be provided during our office hours, which are 09:00 - 17:00 (UK-time), Monday to Friday. For assistance please contact the student support team via webchat.
URLs for whitelist
If you are using your employer’s laptop or computer to sit an exam via remote invigilation, we recommend asking your IT department to whitelist the following URLs:
- ICAEW Bookshelf - https://bibliu.com/users/saml/ICAEW
- RM single sign on - https://icaew-am.assessor.rm.com/
- Proctor exam - https://icaew.proctorexam.com/
- Data analytics software - https://icaew22.inflosoftware.com/
- ICAEW single sign on - https://www.icaew.com/
- exams.online@icaew.com
Clearing your cookies and cache
You must clear your cookies and cache from your Chrome browser settings before each session so that you pick up the latest version of the exam software.
Preparing for your exam video
The onboarding process has been updated and may look slightly different to what you are used to. We have created a step-by-step video on how to start your exams using remote invigilation to help you prepare.
Remote invigilation checklist
View this guide which contains useful information for your exam. You may print this off and take it to your remotely invigilated exam.
Exam start time
You can view your exam start time within your exam application summary. Your exam start time on exams online is displayed in your local time.
Any exams that start more than 30 minutes late will not be marked, so it is essential that you contact Proctor Exam support or the ICAEW Student Support team within the first 30 minutes of the scheduled exam start time should you experience technical difficulties or need further guidance. This will enable us to provide assistance to help you to get started.
You will be provided a unique user ID and password, which is only valid for this exam. Use these credentials, not your ICAEW username and password, to begin the exam and ensure you are not already logged into ICAEW.com. Please note your exam time will not start until you have completed the on-boarding process.
Web browser
The exam will only run on the latest version of Google Chrome. It is not supported on any other browser, such as Firefox or Chromium.
After your exam
Exam disruption appeal
If you feel that your performance in an exam has been adversely affected by illness or other circumstances, you must complete the online form with any supporting evidence within seven days of your exam. You can read our EDA student guide for step-by-step instructions on how to apply.
Getting your results
Results will not be issued by email. If you wish to receive your results via text message update your preferences online before 17:00 (UK-time) on 5 December using the ‘Manage result notifications and permission’ option, and ensure your contact details are up to date. You will be able to access your results via your online training file as usual.