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Women in Finance Community

Webinars and recordings

The information in these webinars reflects the understanding of ICAEW at the time of recording but things may have changed since that time. You should consult the latest guidance alongside a viewing of these on-demand webinars.

Event Date Recording
Breaking the silence: confronting sexism in the workplace
Take steps to create a more inclusive, safer workplace by uncovering workplace sexism.
18 July 2024
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Unlocking value creation  the powerful combination of business purpose and diverse personnel
A conversation with three CFOs on their experiences to date in achieving this goal.
22 November 2023
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Menopause in the Workplace: How to provide effective support for your employees
Understand how to formulate menopause-friendly policies to support your employees, learn from examples of what works well and what does not, and get your questions answered in a safe space.
23 October 2023
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Reinventing your career over 40
This webinar will inspire and empower you to take charge of your career, gain clarity around what you want and provide ideas and advice on how to build confidence and take aligned action to achieve your goals and desired outcomes.
18 October 2023
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Portfolio and fractional CFO/FD roles: your portfolio, your way
Hear from inspirational women with very different portfolios and passions.
26 September 2023
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Closing the wealth gap: Financial Planning for Women
Join this bespoke webinar designed for women to gain a better understanding of financial options available to them.
25 May 2023
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Plotting your NED career: How ICAEW and NEDA can support your Non-Executive career
In the past the traditional approach to taking on a Non-Executive Director role or building a portfolio of roles was the domain of the retired professional man – often with a finance background. The demands of a board operating in a fast-changing business environment has led to people with new thinking and new capabilities coming into the boardroom. Diversity is now an essential ingredient and not just a pipedream and can cover a range of areas including gender, skills, experience, age and ethnicity. Where does the finance professional fit in and how should they prepare themselves for ‘going to market’ as an NED?
30 March 2023
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The journey to CFO - Be inspired in International Women’s Week!
To celebrate International Women’s Week, EquityFD have gathered four inspirational women to share their stories. They have each worked their way up to CFO and been pivotal in PE and VC backed businesses.
9 March 2023 Listen again
Making people count - Explore how to collect, examine and monitor social mobility data effectively
The benefits of having a socially diverse workforce are immense. This webinar will seek to inspire and empower you on your data collection journey that will enable you to make changes that improve your organisation's workplace diversity.
28 February 2023 Listen again
Having difficult conversations at work
This session, produced by the Young Members’ Community, will look at when to raise difficult topics, why and how to do so. The session will be full of practical guidance to help you navigate these challenging situations that are both common and completely normal in a working world full of different people - helping both the organisation you work for and your career.
14 July 2022
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Improving the ethnic diversity of UK boards
In this session David Tyler – the new Chair of the review – will present the key findings of the latest, 2022, report and explore how succession planning, talent management and other initiatives can help ensure that talented people from minority ethnic groups can have successful careers at every level in companies, up to and including in the boardroom.
30 June 2022
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International Women's Day interviews 2022
International Women's Day interviews 2022 To celebrate International Women’s Day, Yelena Travis-Powell BEM (ICAEW Diversity and Inclusion Manager) talks to three inspirational women about this year’s theme #BreakTheBias.
7 March 2022
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Managing Menopause and the stigma surrounding it
Effects of the menopause can impact everyone. Many women experience a reduction in short term memory/brain fog which knocks their confidence to pursue promotion or simply to maintain their current role resulting in reducing their hours or leaving the workplace.
8 December 2021
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CABA webinar: Food and mood: what’s the evidence
This webinar gives you an exciting opportunity to take control of your diet and choose the right foods to support your brain function and your mood.
4 October 2021
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Self-compassion provides you with a tool to authentically develop your ability to manage life’s difficulties, manage difficult emotions and increase self-acceptance and self-worth in a way that allows you to be caring and considerate towards both yourself and others.
8 July 2021
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Do more in a day than you do in a week
In this on-demand webinar we'll explore some of the latest thinking and practical productivity hacks, leaving you with the capacity to turn your new self-awareness into focused action.
5 May 2021
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Turn Your Imposter Syndrome Into Your Strength
If you’ve ever felt like a fraud, that your success is down to luck, and that any minute now you’ll be exposed, then the chances are you have Imposter Syndrome – a unique form of self-doubt that research shows affects over 70 percent of the population at some point in their lives.
29 April 2021
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International Women's Day Interviews 2021
In celebration of International Women’s Day Marcia Dyce, (Diversity & Inclusion Community Manager), talks to three inspirational female professionals, who share their personal journeys and 10 top tips for success.
8 March 2021
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From Recovery to Beyond – Excelling in the current crisis from a woman’s perspective
Join a panel of inspirational Women in Finance who will talk about their life experience and careers and also share their insights.
December 16 2020
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A portfolio career: will it deliver? Gain inspiration from real life stories
Learn how to enhance your current portfolio through an all-female panel.
December 1 2020
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Explore your mindset, achieve your potential
Learn invaluable techniques and tools to improve your grit, increase your resilience and cultivate a malleable mindset to achieve your long term goals.
17 February 2020
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Authentic Happiness: the theory and practice of wellbeing
Women in Finance webinar in association with CABA. This webinar explores the science of happiness and what impacts our wellbeing. It will introduce the science and practice of wellbeing and sample some of the scientifically grounded tools that raise the bar on happiness.
17 February 2020
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Emotional intelligence for success
Women in Finance webinar in association with CABA. This webinar will help you to develop emotional intelligence and understand the link between emotions, thoughts, and behaviours. It will explain what emotions are, and define the concept of emotional intelligence, to help you enhance your thoughts and improve your performance and relationships.
17 February 2020
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Networking, networking, networking!
Networking, networking, networking…. we all know is the best way to grow contacts, secure business, and gain reputation. BUT where and how do you start when you don’t have that big corporate name and it’s just about you?
18 November 2019
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Breaking barriers for women leaders in public finance
Today we have reached a turning point where it is unacceptable to allow gender inequalities that prevent women from aspiring to senior leadership positions to persist.
29 July 2019
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3 Top Tips on Using Assertiveness at Work
Women in Finance webinar in association with CABA. Being heard at work is key to our impact, and influence, and an important element of asserting ourselves and achieving our goals. Listen to this fresh, original, exciting online seminar with to get invaluable tips on how to make more of an impact in at work.
15 April 2019
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