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Beds, Bucks & Herts Society of Chartered Accountants

Find out more about the member services, training opportunities and district society activity in the London and East region.
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Beds, Bucks & Herts Society of Chartered Accountants was first formed as a branch of the London Society in 1959, becoming a separate society ten years later. As an independent local society, it is here to represent ICAEW members in the area, at whatever stage in their career, including those who are recently qualified, working in practice, business, public and third sectors. It also represents the interests of ICAEW Chartered Accountants to the wider business community.

If you want to know more about the volunteer ICAEW Chartered Accountants who represent the profession locally, or you have an enthusiasm for new ideas and want to champion these to fellow members, please contact your regional executive (whose details are at the bottom of the page).