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Register of DChA award holders – E

Name Organisation Contact
Eames, Stephen Southbank Centre
Ediss, Sarah Kreston Reeves LLP  +44 (0)1403 253 282
Edmonds, Michael Gosling Sports Park  
Edmonds, Tracy Kingston Smith LLP +44 (0)1708 759 759
Edwards, Alun Reeves & Co LLP +44 (0)1227 768 231
Kreston Reeves LLP, 37 St. Margarets Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2TU
Edwards, Burger Cambridge House +44 (0)2073 587 000
Cambridge House, 1 Addington Square, London, SE5 0HF
Edwards, Samuel Moore Kingston Smith
Ehigie-Obano, Nat National Council for Voluntary Youth Services
Elevique, Jennifer Built on the Rock International Ministries
7 Jenner Road, LONDON, N16 7SB
Ellingham, Simon Fawcetts Windover House, St Ann Street, Salisbury, SP1 2DR
Elliott, Annabel Save the Children a.elliott@savethechildren.org.uk
Elliott, Catherine    catherine.elliott@yahoo.co.uk 
Elliott, Catherine
Slade & Cooper Ltd +44 (0)1612 342 99
Elliott, Helen Sayer Vincent Sayer Vincent LLP, 8 Angel Gate, City Road, London, EC1V 2SJ
Ellis, Ashley Diocese of Wakefield (Church of England)  
Ellis, Katharine Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland
The Royal Society of Edinburgh, 22-24 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2PQ
Ellison, Gerald The Perse School +44 (0)1223 403 806
The Perse School, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8QF
Ellison, Mark Age UK Bromley and Greenwich +44 (0)2083 151 850
Emerton, Caroline
Erskine, Simon Gotham Erskine LLP +44 (0)2074 901 880
MacIntyre Hudson LLP, New Bridge Street House, 30-34 New Bridge Street, LONDON, EC4V 6BW
Evans, Barbara
Yew Tree House, Dodsley Grove, Easebourne, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9AB
Evans, Charles Francis Clark Francis Clark LLP, North Quay House, Sutton Harbour, Plymouth, PL4 0RA
Evans, David West Glamorgan Council on Alcohol & Drug Abuse Ltd
Evans, Helen Willow Foundation  
Evans, Robin Carpenter Box 01903 234094
Evans, Simon STE Enterprise Limited +44 (0)7815 147 832