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ICAEW CPD Regulations

Find out your CPD requirements

This tool will help you understand how you are affected by the changes to ICAEW's CPD Regulations and work out how much CPD you will need to fulfil each year. If you hold multiple roles, please complete the assessment for each one. If these roles have different obligations, you will need to meet the higher requirements for CPD hours.
Log in to add your category to your online CPD record

After you identify your CPD category you can add this to your online CPD record. To do so you must be logged into icaew.com 


Do the revised CPD Regulations apply to you?

To understand your CPD requirements we use a series of simple questions about your relationship with ICAEW and your day-to-day work. Please answer these questions as best as you can to get the most accurate result.

The CPD year runs from 1 November until 31 October. If your circumstances change during the year, you can take the assessment again at any time to understand whether your CPD requirements are different.

Before we begin, do you already know whether you fall within the scope of the revised CPD Regulations or would you like to check if you're exempt?

Question 1

Are you:


  1. Note that by authorised or licensed by ICAEW, this means as:

    • A responsible individual for signing audit reports
    • A key audit partner for signing local public audit reports
    • An insolvency practitioner
    • A probate authorised individual
    • A licensed practitioner under the licensed practise scheme
  2. Those who have ICAEW Business and Finance Professional (BFP) designation and are neither an ICAEW member nor authorised or licensed by ICAEW
Question 2

Did you gain ICAEW membership through a reciprocal membership agreement after qualifying with another professional body?

Or have you joined another professional body through a reciprocal membership agreement after qualifying with ICAEW?

View the professional bodies that have a reciprocal membership agreement with ICAEW.

Question 2

In this CPD year will you be undertaking any paid or unpaid work?

Examples where you may not be undertaking any paid/unpaid work for an entire CPD year include:

  • Retired from all work (including voluntary roles)
  • Unemployed
  • On a career break
  • On maternity/parental leave
  • On long-term sick leave
  • A full-time carer


  1. If your circumstances change within a CPD year you will need to re-evaluate your CPD requirements. You can use this tool at any time to understand what those requirements may be.

Question 3
Question 3

In this CPD year will you be undertaking any paid or unpaid work?

Examples where you may not be undertaking any paid/unpaid work for an entire CPD year include:

  • Retired from all work (including voluntary roles)
  • Unemployed
  • On a career break
  • On maternity/parental leave
  • On long-term sick leave
  • A full-time carer


  1. If your circumstances change within a CPD year you will need to re-evaluate your CPD requirements. You can use this tool at any time to understand what those requirements may be.

Question 3

During the current CPD year are you:

Question 4

Do you comply with the CPD requirements of the other professional body?


  1. If you are no longer a member of the other professional body you must comply with ICAEW's CPD requirements.
Question 4

In this CPD year will you be undertaking any paid or unpaid work?

Examples where you may not be undertaking any paid/unpaid work for an entire CPD year include:

  • Retired from all work (including voluntary roles)
  • Unemployed
  • On a career break
  • On maternity/parental leave
  • On long-term sick leave
  • A full-time carer


  1. If your circumstances change within a CPD year you will need to re-evaluate your CPD requirements. You can use this tool at any time to understand what those requirements may be.

Question 4

During the current CPD year are you:

Question 5

In this CPD year will you be undertaking any paid or unpaid work?

Examples where you may not be undertaking any paid/unpaid work for an entire CPD year include:

  • Retired from all work (including voluntary roles)
  • Unemployed
  • On a career break
  • On maternity/parental leave
  • On long-term sick leave
  • A full-time carer


  1. If your circumstances change within a CPD year you will need to re-evaluate your CPD requirements. You can use this tool at any time to understand what those requirements may be.

Question 5

During the current CPD year are you:

Question 6

During the current CPD year are you:

Your result

Based on your answers you would be:


Please document the reason you are exempt. This note can then be provided to ICAEW's Quality Assurance Department if you are selected for a CPD check.
CPD Exempt
Your result

Based on your answers you would be:

Potentially Exempt

You can choose to be exempt from ICAEW's CPD Regulations and follow the requirements of the other professional body CPD policy instead.

If you would prefer to undertake CPD under ICAEW's CPD regime please restart these questions and answer ‘no’ to the question “Did you gain membership through a reciprocal arrangement?”
CPD Potentially Exempt
Your result

Based on your answers you would be:

Ethics and reflect

You are required to complete an hour of ethics training each year, and to reflect on the nature of the work you are doing and your professional development needs.

While you are not required to complete a minimum number of CPD hours, you should undertake any training to meet your identified development needs.
More information
Ethics and reflect
Your result

Based on your answers you would be:

Within scope of the CPD Regulations

Calculate your CPD requirements
Within scope of CPD regulations
Category added

Your chosen category has been added to your CPD record.

Go to my record
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Unfortunately technical restrictions mean that the browser you are using isn’t able to save this CPD category to your online CPD record. Please try upgrading your browser or completing the tool in a different browser.