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As I see it: Pamela Tuckett

Pamela Tuckett is audit partner and head of education at Bishop Fleming as well as a trustee at a Multi Academy Trust comprising 13 schools

MY FIRST PASSION at primary school was sport, especially netball. It’s sad that in those days sport wasn’t seen as a career. Needless to say I ended up studying hard and getting a ‘proper’ job.

I BLAME MY OLDER SISTER for getting me into the profession. Having tried it herself for only a few months she told me I would love it and she was right, I do. She’s an author now.

MY FIRST BIG CHALLENGE was when I left my job at PwC and joined Bishop Fleming as a new partner. In my usual style I consulted with many friends. I saw the opportunity as a fantastic new challenge. I thrive on change and with the grounding of the ACA qualification and support of my new colleagues I didn’t look back.

I AM PRIVILEGED TO WORK with many academies, including being a trustee myself, so I’ve been able to provide first-hand knowledge on governance within the sector. I’ve been able to discuss areas of concern with the minister and highlight the difficulties academies have trying to raise additional income.

THE PROFESSION HAS come a long way in terms of diversity but there is more to do. It’s not just about putting policies in place, it’s about creating a culture that enables everyone to reach their potential. This will involve changing some current working practices that are no longer fit for a diverse profession. We are well on our way to embedding this at Bishop Fleming. I would urge all firms to review their current practices.

THE SUCCESS OF THE NOT-FOR-PROFIT SECTOR is dependent on good governance. Organisations are often responsible for millions of pounds of public money and our profession can provide the skills required at board level. Financial governance is not always given the priority it deserves but it is crucial that financial controls are robust to enable efficient and effective delivery of front line services. We actively encourage our staff to give something back for their own development and wellbeing.

Originally published in Economia on 30 May 2019.