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The Institute of Chartered Accountants’ Staff Pensions Fund

The Institute of Chartered Accountants' Staff Pensions Fund is a final salary pension scheme that was available to employees of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW), CABA and associated District Societies.

It closed to new members on 1 July 2000 and to future accrual on 30 June 2010. The Trustee is F.C.A Ltd.

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About the Fund

Find information about the Trustee, constitution, benefits and useful contacts.

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Statement of Investment Principles

The Statement of Investment Principles (SIPs) details the policies which control how a pension scheme invests and includes the principles governing how decisions about investments are made.

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Doughnut chart
Pensions Update

2023 issue of Pensions Update.

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Implementation statement

Statement of Compliance with the Fund’s Stewardship Policy for the year ending 31 March 2023

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Privacy notice

Please ensure that you read this privacy notice

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apprenticeships plane A
Trustee's annual report

View the trustee’s annual report and financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2023

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Butterfly with the world as the pattern on its wings.
News and announcements

Latest news on the Institute of Chartered Accountants' Staff Pensions Fund.

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GMP Equalisation

Following the high court judgement in 2018, the Trustee has completed most of the work required to equalise GMPs. This will affect some current scheme members, and a small number of former members. The Trustee will contact anybody who is affected. If you have received a letter and have a query please contact ICAEWpensions@icaew.com

Four pillars