Accounting standards
Standard setters
Local accounting standards are developed and set by:
- Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
FASB sets accounting standards for public and private companies and not-for-profit organizations. The standards issued by the FASB are recognized as authoritative by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). - Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
GASB sets the accounting standards for state and local governmental entities. - Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB)
FASAB sets the accounting standards for federal governmental entities.
Individual states
The AICPA provides a comprehensive directory of Associations–State CPA Links.
Two of the largest state societies are:
Accounting Education has compiled a detailed collection of CPA requirements by state.
The ICAEW Library & Information Service provides full text access to a selection of key business and reference eBooks from leading publishers. eBooks are available to logged-in ICAEW members, ACA students and other entitled users. If you are unable to access an eBook, please see our Help and support advice or contact
Statistics and guides
Accountancy associations and groups
- Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance (AFWA)
- American Accounting Association
- American Association of Attorney-Certified Public Accountants
- American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
- Association of Chartered Accountants in the US (ACAUS)
- Association of Government Accountants
- Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting (ALPFA)
- Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) USA
- Institute of Management Accountants (USA)
- National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA)
ICAEW Contact Members
ICAEW’s network of Contact Members around the world are a point of contact for enquiries and act as ambassadors in promoting ICAEW's strategy and brand in each region.
Online articles
The ICAEW Library provides logged-in ICAEW members, ACA students and other entitled users with online access to articles from leading business, finance and management journals. To view the articles available, please log in.
As well as providing direct access to a world-class collection of books, journals and electronic resources, the ICAEW Library can search various international databases on behalf of members, ACA students and other authorised users. Our specialist databases contain jurisdiction-specific information on accounting, tax and related topics.
Articles and books in the ICAEW Library collection
To find out how you can borrow books from the Library please see our guide to borrowing books.
You can obtain copies of articles or extracts of books and reports through our document supply service.
Joining ICAEW
AICPA members
AICPA members can join ICAEW through the ACA study route.
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