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Corporate Reporting Faculty Events 2024

View upcoming webinars and events from the Corporate Reporting Faculty.

Covering IFRS, UK GAAP, UK regulations and non-financial reporting, the Corporate Reporting Faculty hosts webinars and events throughout the year. As well as helping members stay up to date with developments in corporate reporting, our events also offer the opportunity to network with like-minded professionals.

Event | UK GAAP changes: prepare for implementation

Following the FRC's publication of revised UK and Ireland accounting standards, join us on 7 October 2024 to hear a summary of key changes to FRS 102 and FRS 105. Gain insight from experts in practice on how to prepare for new revenue and lease accounting requirements. 
Attend virtually, or in person to benefit from networking opportunities over a complimentary breakfast. 

This event is exclusive to Corporate Reporting Faculty members at no charge. Corporate Reporting Faculty membership is open to all (charges apply for non-ICAEW members).


Our hour-long, live and interactive webinars are designed to keep you informed of the latest developments in corporate reporting and to offer support with the preparation of annual reports. All webinars have a dedicated Q&A session, and the presentation slides and other related resources are available for participants to download.

Unless indicated otherwise, webinars are available to all ICAEW members and Corporate Reporting Faculty subscribers.

Our webinar programme is designed to respond to reporting developments as they happen, so it is worth checking this page regularly to view additions to the programme.

Webinar recordings

All webinars are recorded and available to listen to on-demand. Our archive of recordings can be accessed at icaew.com/crfwebinars

Date Title Overview Relevance to other audiences
01 Feb 2024 Introducing the first IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards: IFRS S2 - View on-demand
This webinar will be an opportunity to hear directly from the standard-setter a summary of the requirements of IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures, as well as implementation insight from experts in practice.  
18 Apr 2024 European sustainability reporting: an introduction for UK companiesView on-demand This webinar will provide an introduction to the EU’s framework for sustainability reporting. Experts in practice will discuss the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and related European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), focusing on the impact on UK companies.   
05 Jun 2024 IFRS Update 2024 -View on-demand A roundup of latest developments in IFRS applicable in 2024 and beyond.  
04 Jul 2024 UK GAAP update 2024 - View on-demand This webinar will cover current topical issues and the latest developments in UK GAAP, focusing on matters relevant to the preparation of accounts for 2024 year-ends.  
22 Jul
Small and micro entities: topical reporting issues - View on-demand
Specifically aimed at the preparation of accounts under Section 1A Small Entities of FRS 102 and FRS 105 The Financial Reporting Standard applicable to the Micro-entities Regime, this webinar will cover topical issues relevant to late 2023 and early 2024 year-ends.

10 Sept 2024 Tips and common pitfalls in preparing and auditing cash flow statements
Navigating cash flow statements can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can avoid common pitfalls and ensure accuracy. This webinar will provide some tips and common mistakes to watch out for.
25 Sept 2024 Companies House reform: accounts and filing aspects  This webinar offers an opportunity to hear from Companies House on changes to UK company law. As well as providing a broad overview of the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act, the webinar will focus on accounts reform aspects, including changes to filing requirements.  
07 Oct 2024 UK GAAP changes: prepare for implementation Following the Financial Reporting Council's publication of revised UK and Ireland accounting standards, hear a summary of the key changes to FRS 102 and FRS 105. Gain insight from experts in practice on how to prepare for new revenue and lease accounting requirements.  
TBA  Narrative Reporting Update (Bookings available soon) This webinar will provide an update on the latest developments in narrative reporting for UK companies.  

Events from other faculties and communities

ICAEW members can join various Communities, the Tax Faculty and the Audit and Assurance Faculty for free. Corporate Reporting Faculty members may find the following events from selected communities and the Tax and Audit and Assurance Faculties of interest.

Date Event type Title Organised by Overview
On demand Webinar Getting started on transition planning - View on demand
Sustainability Team Watch this webinar to learn about transition planning, including the latest standards, guidance, insights and practical examples for businesses to implement actionable strategies.
13 Mar 2024 Webinar  The EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) - what does it mean for UK businesses?  Tax Faculty The EU's CBAM entered its transitional phase on 1 October 2023, meaning that UK businesses exporting to the EU must prepare for the changes. This webinar covers how the CBAM will work, what it means for UK businesses and what comes next. 
30 Mar 2024 Webinar

UK Corporate Governance Code: Managing stakeholder expectations amidst regulatory uncertainty with Diligent

 ICAEW Gain a strong understanding of UK Corporate Governance Code to confidently navigate regulatory change.
28 Jun 2024 Webinar Turning nature risk into opportunity: getting started on the TNFD Sustainability and Climate Change Community Build knowledge on how to implement and leverage the TNFD recommendations to help enhance decision-making and reporting, improving business outcomes whilst also getting ahead of regulation.

ICAEW Essentials CPD

ICAEW Essentials CPD offers a fully virtual programme providing key technical updates on core topics. All courses are delivered by live webinar and provide the opportunity to interact with the speaker and discuss real-life scenarios. Webinars run for 2 hours, 20 mins in total, comprised of two 50-minute sessions plus 30 minutes Q&A. Some of the courses that may be of particular interest are listed below.

Date Title Overview
22 May
Corporate reporting spring update
The update will cover all the latest changes to UK GAAP, new FRC and ICAEW guidance, and news from Companies House, including Companies House reform. There will also be an overview of any relevant IFRS issues. 
23 May
Accounting for and Auditing Directors’ and Related Party Transactions
This course will highlight all the important rules and how to ensure compliance. Topics covered will include: legality – which directors’ transactions require approval and which simply aren’t allowed; illegal dividends – key legal and disclosure considerations; related party definitions in FRS 102; disclosure rules for micro, small and larger entities; and pipeline changes – the likely impact of the periodic review of FRS 102.
17 Jun
Smaller company accounting queries from ICAEW helplines
This webinar draws from the wealth of experience of ICAEW’s Technical Helplines. The session will cover some of the most frequent questions, as well as unusual and otherwise interesting issues. This is a topical session and its content will reflect that. 
24 Jun
Group accounting essentials
This session will provide a comprehensive refresher on the mechanics of consolidation and deal with a range of practical issues faced by accountants preparing group financial statements under UK GAAP. The focus will be on non-complex groups.
25 Sept
Small and micro entity accounts (accounting treatments)
This session is an update and refresher targeted at small and micro companies. This is a topical course and its content will reflect that, but is likely to cover: Companies House reforms and the removal and changes to small and micro company exemptions; proposed amendments to FRS 102 disclosure requirements; proposed Companies Act changes to the small and micro company regimes; the accounting disclosure options for small companies; common presentation and disclosure problems; eligibility for small company and group exemptions; update on FRS 105 for micro companies; and a comprehensive guide to small company disclosure and presentation.
17 Oct
Key disclosure problems for small and micro entities
Although now well established, UK GAAP still presents a raft of disclosure challenges for small entities applying FRS 102 Section 1A and micro entities applying FRS 105. This seminar will help navigate through the practicalities.
06 Nov
Fixed asset accounting - getting the numbers right
Accountants frequently grapple with accounting for ‘capex’ as opposed to ‘opex’. Disclosure can also be challenging in this area, whether UK GAAP or IFRS is being applied. This course will deal with all the important issues including common pitfalls and scenarios. 
08 Nov
Climate change reporting
As the carbon economy gathers pace, so the reporting landscape is changing rapidly to keep up. Not only are there new international sustainability reporting standards, IFRS S1 and IFRS S2, to digest, new SEC regulations and EU regulations such as CSRD and CBAM, have left many confused about what they have to comply with and by when. This course provides a road map through the quagmire of new standards and legislation allowing companies to develop a map to guide them through, and ensure they don’t fall foul of new requirements.
25 Nov
Corporate reporting autumn update The update will cover all the latest changes to UK GAAP, new FRC and ICAEW guidance, and news from Companies House, including Companies House reform. There will also be an overview of any relevant IFRS issues.

Academy courses

ICAEW Academy offers a range of virtual classroom courses with smaller groups and more one on one time with an expert trainer. Courses are delivered over half-day sessions, with some courses running over two half-days. ICAEW members receive discounted access to a wide range of ICAEW Academy courses.

Date Title Overview
22 Feb
20 May
Accounting for business combinations and goodwill Focusing on IFRS, this course will introduce the accounting for business combinations, providing a step-by-step summary of the relevant requirements. 
01 Mar
UK GAAP update This course will take you through the key changes in the FRC’s proposed changes to FRS 102 and provide an opportunity to consider the potential implications. It will provide practical insight from the experience of IFRS preparers.
04 Mar
03 Jun
Understanding IFRS 17 and its impact on the financial statements This course will provide an overview understanding of the application of IFRS 17 to enable participants to gain an appreciation of the impact of the implementation of this standard on the financial statements of insurers and their reported performance.
05 Mar
12 Mar
ESG – how should the financial statements reflect sustainability?
In this interactive course, we will offer you a targeted guide to the fundamental ESG concepts that you need to know as a professional business adviser. We will look at numerical and qualitative examples and we will discuss how what you learn can be implemented in your own organisation.   
22 Mar Share based payments - an overview
This short session will consider the accounting treatment of share-based payments including practical examples to demonstrate the accounting as well as practical issues that commonly arise.
23 Apr
Navigating the key differences between IFRS and FRS 102 This course gives an overview of the key differences between accounting policies under FRS 102 and full IFRS.
29 Apr
Preparing IAS 7 cash flow statements
You will gain an understanding of the definition of cash and cash equivalents and the three main categories of cash flows, including optional treatments for certain cash flows.
10 May Accounting for intangible assets in an evolving world How do we account for intangible assets? What is an intangible asset? These questions are crucial as increasing proportions of a company’s value is in intangible assets. This short session will make sure you aware of the accounting guidance as well as the areas of judgement that require careful consideration.
22 May
27 Jun
Group accounting - applying the basic principles This course declutters group accounting into practical building blocks reinforcing the basic principles of preparing consolidations. It also focuses on the application of IFRSs and provides plenty of practical examples to embed your learning.