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Information for Better Markets

Advancing thinking and debate


What information should companies disclose? How should they measure their profits and their capital? How should their reporting be regulated? As the laws, regulations and standards governing financial reporting become ever more complex, the ICAEW Financial Reporting Faculty aims to helps members keep up to date and to understand the implications of new requirements. The faculty also seeks to inform and influence regulators and standard-setters on financial reporting questions. The faculty’s work on these public policy issues is informed by its Information for Better Markets thought leadership programme.



What it's all about

Our Information for Better Markets work subjects key issues in financial reporting to careful and impartial analysis. Better understanding of these issues will help achieve what the preparers and users of financial reporting need – practical solutions to complex problems. In pursuit of this objective, the Information for Better Markets initiative tackles three broad themes in financial reporting:

  • disclosure;
  • measurement; and
  • regulation.

We write and publish reports and commission research by leading academics from around the world.

We host two annual events, the P. D. Leake Lecture and the Information for Better Markets Conference at which we present the outcome of this research and any reports written by the ICAEW. Papers based on these events are published in the annual International Accounting Policy Forum special issue of Accounting and Business Research, a leading academic journal. Both the research and the events at which it is presented are financed by ICAEW’s charitable trusts. 

What we've done

All our reports in the Information for Better Markets series and webcasts of the most recent lectures and conferences are available online:

What's new?

Informed consent

This document provides information about an academic research projects which aims to identify similarities and differences in the information preferences and needs of preparers and users of financial accounting information.

Other webcasts

The art of conversation

The 2020 PD Leake lecture, given by Dr Miguel Minutti-Meza, Miami Herbert Business School, with a response from Allister Wilson, Assurance Partner at EY.

Smaller listed and AIM quoted companies

This guide, written in association with the Financial Reporting Council, offers advice for audit committees and boards of smaller quoted companies on evaluating the adequacy of a company’s financial reporting function and process.


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