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The information in these webinars reflects the understanding of ICAEW at the time of recording but things may have changed since that time. You should consult the latest guidance alongside a viewing of these on-demand webinars.

Community events and webinars

Event Date Recording
Turning nature risk into opportunity: getting started on the TNFD
Understand why nature is increasingly becoming a strategic priority for businesses – and how the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) framework can help you to build business resilience and value through the integration of nature into strategy and reporting.
28 June 2024
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Responding to the upsurge in sustainability reporting – where to start
Understand how to comply with the rapidly-evolving requirements.
25 April 2024
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Prepare for carbon accounting with Auditel
This webinar with Auditel is an opportunity to explore the five key actions that organisations need to take in 2024 to prepare for the evolving world of carbon accounting. Expert Lee Freeman from Auditel will discuss crucial topics such as footprint measurement, new regulations, and the latest updates from COP28.
20 March 2024
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Getting started on transition planning
This webinar is an opportunity for professionals and the wider business community to deepen their understanding of transition planning. It will explore the latest standards and guidance, providing attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the field. It will focus on building knowledge and capacity in the profession and the wider business community, operationalising Transition Planning guidance, and integrating climate-nature considerations into transition plans. With insights from experts in the field, practical examples from businesses and financial institutions, and a focus on actionable strategies that they can implement.
21 February 2024
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ICAEW Climate Summit 2023
Explore how affordable it is to decarbonise your operations and the support available, including financial aid, for your business.
13-17 November 2023
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Energy and the affordability of net zero
Explore how affordable it is to decarbonise your operations and the support available, including financial aid, for your business.
23 March 2023
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ISSB’s Exposure Drafts explained
A deep dive into the proposals and an opportunity to have your questions answered by those involved in the draft.
28 June 2022
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Getting started on climate change for practices
Understand the immediate risks to your organisation and your clients and learn how to develop climate thinking into a service line.
26 April 2022
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Cutting through the green noise
Optimise the sustainability agenda for your business and understand how operating more sustainably will benefit your business.
25 November 2021
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ICAEW Climate Summit 2021
ICAEW's Climate Summit 2021 covered areas from governance and disclosure to personal leadership. Watch the sessions on-demand here.
18-22 October 2021
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Climate change and TCFD – The role of internal audit
The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) have developed a framework to help companies report climate-related risks and opportunities. Join us to discuss the role internal audit will play in driving action on climate change within organisations and the skills needed to achieve this.
23 June 2021 Listen again
The role of business in delivering the UK's Net Zero ambition
A conversation with Chris Stark, CEO of the Committee on Climate Change.
21 January 2021 Listen again
On-demand: Taking the Green Finance Education Charter into business
What can we do to lead and support business in a green recovery?
17 November 2020
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Other webinars and recordings

Date Recording
Leveraging data to create best-in-class sustainability planning and reporting with Oracle
How to approach planning and reporting against different ESG frameworks, and the tools available to help.
29 May 2024
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How does climate impact on valuations?
Explore how climate impacts valuations and what they need to be aware of when making decisions.
22 November 2023
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Sustainability and accounting
Sustainability is forcing the accountancy profession to think about how what we're doing now is going to impact our future and the future of the planet, which are ethical issues. In this video, accountancy experts from across the globe discuss their views on the inter-relation between professional ethics and sustainability.
15 October 2023 Watch now
Sustainability reporting in UK central government
Adoption of sustainability reporting in the public sector is still relatively new and lags behind the private sector. The UK public sector recently announced its ambition to adopt TCFD framework for sustainability reporting. This webinar will provide an introduction to the TCFD framework itself and why it was chosen to be adopted in the public sector. Expert speakers will also start exploring some public sector specific nuances adopting what is essentially a framework designed for the private sector.
4 July 2023
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Introducing sustainability into your university curriculum
Listen to case studies and ideas for research projects introducing and embracing sustainability into the curriculum.
3 May 2023
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ESG Reporting Update for Real Estate: one year on
In this webinar we will provide an update on Environmental, Social and Governance reporting for property investors.
20 April 2023
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Climate Assurance: The role of Internal Audit
This webinar will consider the range of options available to directors to obtain assurance, exploiting the existing mechanisms available through the first, second and third line of defence internally. The role of internal audit in facilitating and coordinating this process will also be discussed. Furthermore, we will explore when and how companies might seek external assurance through their external auditors or other parties.
18 April 2023
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What are the greatest opportunities in a net zero economy?
In this webinar, learn about the transition to net zero, scenarios in a future net zero economy and join in with a discussion on the biggest challenges and opportunities these present.
24 October 2022
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Cut carbon emissions; save your business and the planet
Join us in this webinar to learn more about the practical steps to take now in 2022 and how on-site renewable energy generation for business or your client's business can tackle the trilemma!
5 October 2022
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Visualising ESG Reporting via the UN Sustainable Development Goals
A look at practical, uncomplicated ways to include the UN's SDGs in your organisation's ESG reporting.
26 July 2022
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The future of energy and electricity supply in Europe as a result of the war in Ukraine
The Ukraine crisis will have a fundamental impact on Europe’s Energy Sector. There is a desire to eliminate dependency on Russian Oil, Gas & Coal. However, there are fundamental constraints on what can be done in the short term.
9 May 2022
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Reaching net zero in manufacturing – how to meet and measure targets
In this webinar we will be looking at the reporting and data sharing requirements for manufacturing businesses and then consider how manufacturers can make improvements to meet net zero targets.
27 April 2022
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How pioneering retailers are harnessing circular economy business models
Implementing circular economy initiatives effectively and consistently can be good for business, good for society and good for the environment.
21 April 2022
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Introducing the Climate-related Financial Disclosure Regulations
Effective from 6 April 2022, The Companies (Strategic Report) (Climate-related Financial Disclosure) Regulations 2022 require certain UK companies and LLPs to report climate-related information within their strategic report. This webinar explains who’s in scope of the new requirements, what information is required to be disclosed and where to find further guidance.
10 March 2022
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ESG reporting for property investors – an update post COP26
A wake up call for Real Estate businesses that, regardless of size, they need to start thinking about their solutions for Carbon reporting and the impact this will have on the value of their assets.
2 February 2022
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ESG Series: Assurance - getting it right
What framework assurance can be provided against? What are the chances of convergence?
20 October 2021
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Sustainability in practice: making money out of manufacturing waste profit
Tune in to learn about the practical transformation that took place at AB Sugar. Find out how the company identified potential revenue streams in waste and successfully commercialised downstream products. Hear how they squeeze every last penny out of the sugar making process to make products including animal feed and top-soil. How they extract energy from beet pulp to power thousands of homes. How they harness excess CO2 for horticulture to grow tomatoes and set up the largest medicinal cannabis factory in the world.
14 October 2021
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ESG Series: Reporting
How does reporting satisfy investor expectation? How do we achieve consistent and comparable reporting?
13 October 2021
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ESG Webinar: Risk Management
Get practical advice to build effective ESG risk considerations into your firm’s overall risk management.
6 October 2021
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Becoming a B-Corp: What Chartered Accountants need to know
Are you considering becoming a B-Corp? This event will tell you what you need to know before taking the plunge.
28 September 2021
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ESG Webinar: Data  in practice
This webinar from ICAEW Financial Services provides an expert view for a business audience.
21 September 2021
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ESG Webinar: Data  are we at peak complexity?
In terms of ESG risk, discover what data is necessary, available and what are the alternatives.
15 September 2021
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ESG Webinar: The science behind the risks we face
Do you truly understand climate change, net zero transition, etc…and its implications to organisations?
8 September 2021
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Sustainable packaging and the Plastic Packaging Tax - what retailers need to know
The Plastic Packaging Tax being introduced 1 April 2022 will have a negative impact on many retailers. Join this webinar to learn about the changes and find out the impact it will have on your business.
7 July 2021 Listen again
Harnessing sustainable innovations in retail
Hear speakers from different sectors in retail who will share with you how and why they put sustainability into practice.
1 July 2021 Listen again
Evidenced based policy, the role of accounting: a case study in attaining net zero
In relation to attaining net zero, understand how evidence-based policy is made, what’s the academic theory behind it, how you report it and how you assure it.
25 May 2021
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Carbon pricing and climate reporting – now and in the future
The standards and practices as well as what the obligations are, both now and in the future.
20 May 2021
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Energy – reduce costs and improve your bottom line
Mark Sait, CEO of SaveMoneyCutCarbon offers practical steps towards sustainable solutions for both businesses and homes.
30 April 2021
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Building Resilience: Climate Change: Global leadership, local action
The world’s climate conversations are ramping up towards the critical COP26 Climate meeting taking place in November 2021. Whilst the coronavirus pandemic has paused many key climate initiatives it has not dampened the ambitions or lessened the severity of the climate crisis the world faces. The challenges presented by the climate crisis are often acutely local in focus, but the leadership required to tackle them is global. How can young leaders in business and finance help connect the two?
27 April 2021
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Finance in a sustainable future
ICAEW East Anglia’s launch event on sustainability explains why sustainability should be on your radar and gives a high-level look at what the business case for it is. The event covers the UK government’s pledge to carbon net zero by 2050, current requirements for sustainability reporting, what’s likely to come next and takes a deeper dive into what environmental sustainability means for the finance team.
23 March 2021
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Climate change and corporate value: what companies really think
Hear what company executives could be doing now to ensure the future resilience of business against climate risk.
22 March 2021
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The purpose of the organisation?
This webinar focuses on how organisations are changing to reach sustainability targets.
11 March 2021
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Green Economic Recovery in the age of COVID-19
ICAEW has collaborated with the British Embassy in Athens and WWF Greece to talk about a sustainable response to COVID.
16 September 2020 Listen again
Is climate on board?
In this 40-minute webinar you will gain an increased understanding of how climate change is an issue for boards and what to do about it. Aimed at Board Chairs, Committee Chairs and Non-Executive Directors, this webinar focuses on how they can increase their knowledge of the implications of climate change for UK business. Listen to Julie Baddeley, Chair Steering Group, Chapter Zero in conversation with Andrew Ratcliffe, Past President and Chair of ICAEW’s Sustainability Committee.
11 November 2019 Listen again
Decarbonising the public sector
Listen to Paul Pritchard, Independent Sustainability Adviser, Iken Associates; Mardi McBrien, Managing Director, Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) and Richard Spencer, ICAEW’s Head of Sustainability discuss the role of the profession in decarbonising the public sector.
03 September 2019 Listen again
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