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Fraud Advisory Panel

The Fraud Advisory Panel (the 'FAP') is a registered charity which works to raise awareness of the immense human, social and economic damage caused by fraud and to help individuals and organisations to develop effective processes to prevent it

The panel works to:

  • Originate proposals to reform the law and public policy, with a particular focus on fraud investigations and the legal process.
  • Advise business and the public on prevention, detection and reporting.
  • Assist with improving education and training in business and the professions.
  • Establish a more accurate picture of the nature, extent and causes of fraud.

The Fraud Advisory Panel was established in 1998 by the ICAEW, which continues to support its work.

Today members of the panel include representatives from the law and accountancy professions, industry associations, financial institutions, government agencies, law enforcement, regulatory authorities and academia.

The Fraud Advisory Panel has a truly multi-disciplinary perspective of fraud. No other organisation has such a range and depth of knowledge, both of the problem and of the solutions.

For more information about the Fraud Advisory Panel please visit www.fraudadvisorypanel.org