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Latest ICAEW Insights and accountancy news for June 2020

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How the NAO is dealing with COVID-19

30 June 2020: Kate Mathers, an executive director of the National Audit Office, talks to Maria Byrnes from ICAEW about the impact the COVID-19 crisis is having on the National Audit Office and how it has shaped their work.

The Going Concern Hub: where to start

26 June 2020: ICAEW has compiled a number of resources around going concern to support members in business and practice during these challenging times. Here are some links to start off with.

Questions audit and risk committees ask

29 June 2020: The National Audit Office (NAO) has issued guidance to help audit and risk committee members examine the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on government organisations.

Financial reporting in a time of crisis

26 June 2020: ICAEW CEO Michael Izza explains the importance of going concern for auditing the effects of COVID-19, and how the Institute is supporting members with new resources.

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