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Frequently asked questions and answers about the ICAEW Data Analytics Certificate.



  • What is the cost of the course?

    The Analyst pathway is £699+ VAT.  There is a case study only option for those already familiar with data analytics and Python programming - the cost for the case study only option is £349 +VAT.

    The Management pathway is £529+VAT.

    ICAEW members and students get 15% off these prices and there are larger discounts available for multiple licence purchases.

  • Is the Datacamp subscription the Standard plan?
    The DataCamp subscription is included in the Analyst pathway (the full course, not the case study only). It gives you access to all of DataCamp's 400+ courses for 12 months.
  • Is this available to non-members?
    Yes, the course is suitable for any finance professional.
  • Are there any discounts if someone desires to do both Pathways?
    There is a 15% member discount available for either pathway. There is no bulk discount for buying both pathways however there are enterprise discounts available should a company want to buy multiple licenses for their staff.

Software requirements

Current skills requirements

Which pathway to choose?

Who is the course relevant for?

Technical course content

Case study

  • How many attempts do I have at the case study questions?

    You have three attempts at each question in the case study. There is an overall pass rate of 60% across all of the case study modules so if you do fall below 60% in one area you can make up for it in another. The case study isn't designed to catch you out and you will receive prompts and suggestions and be able to link back to the relevant parts of the course to refresh your learning.

    If you don't achieve the 60% average you would still have access to the course but you would not receive the certificate. We do think that 3 attempts will be plenty for most candidates though.

  • What is the format of the case study and what does it test?
    The case study is all online and incorporates all the learning from each of the units covered in your chosen pathway.