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ICAEW consultation annexes

Annexes to accompany ICAEW’s proposed application to become an approved regulator and licensing authority for further reserved legal activities.


  1. Draft legal services regulations
  2. ICAEW’s Royal Charter and ICAEW’s Supplemental Charter
  3. ICAEW annual review and accounts (2014)
  4. ICAEW risk management strategies and ICAEW staff development policies
  5. Current requirements for students training for the ACA, ACA entry routes and ACA student regulations
  6. The Review Committee regulations
  7. ICAEW’s Principal Bye-lawsICAEW’s Disciplinary Bye-laws
  8. Draft Guidance on Sanctions [not currently available as under review]
  9. Draft PII regulations
  10. QAD Practice Assurance visits leaflet
  11. Extract from annual return outlining questions relating specifically to probate activities
  12. ICAEW’s client money regulations
  13. The Anti-Money Laundering Guidance for the Accountancy Sector
  14. ICAEW’s Code of Ethics and helpsheet providing guidance to probate practitioners on probate related ethical issues
  15. Taxation services currently provided by accountancy firms that the further reserved legal activities would complement
  16. Relevant Sections of the Legal Services Act 2007 that permit ICAEW to apply to regulate all the further reserved legal activities
  17. Probate application forms
  18. Draft compensation scheme regulations
  19. Continuing Professional Development regulations
  20. Terms of Reference for the Probate Committee
  21. Draft business plan
  22. Proposed fees [not currently available]
  23. Draft terms of reference of Legal Services Committee [not available as currently being developed]
  24. Multi-disciplinary practices framework MoU
  25. ICAEW office-holders and executive management team
  26. ICAEW structure chart and reporting lines
  27. Consultation – list of stakeholders for public consultation