ICAEW consultation annexes
Annexes to accompany ICAEW’s proposed application to become an approved regulator and licensing authority for further reserved legal activities.
- Draft legal services regulations
- ICAEW’s Royal Charter and ICAEW’s Supplemental Charter
- ICAEW annual review and accounts (2014)
- ICAEW risk management strategies and ICAEW staff development policies
- Current requirements for students training for the ACA, ACA entry routes and ACA student regulations
- The Review Committee regulations
- ICAEW’s Principal Bye-laws; ICAEW’s Disciplinary Bye-laws
- Draft Guidance on Sanctions [not currently available as under review]
- Draft PII regulations
- QAD Practice Assurance visits leaflet
- Extract from annual return outlining questions relating specifically to probate activities
- ICAEW’s client money regulations
- The Anti-Money Laundering Guidance for the Accountancy Sector
- ICAEW’s Code of Ethics and helpsheet providing guidance to probate practitioners on probate related ethical issues
- Taxation services currently provided by accountancy firms that the further reserved legal activities would complement
- Relevant Sections of the Legal Services Act 2007 that permit ICAEW to apply to regulate all the further reserved legal activities
- Probate application forms
- Draft compensation scheme regulations
- Continuing Professional Development regulations
- Terms of Reference for the Probate Committee
- Draft business plan
- Proposed fees [not currently available]
- Draft terms of reference of Legal Services Committee [not available as currently being developed]
- Multi-disciplinary practices framework MoU
- ICAEW office-holders and executive management team
- ICAEW structure chart and reporting lines
- Consultation – list of stakeholders for public consultation