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AI for finance professionals

ICAEW has brought together these resources to help you understand artificial intelligence and what it means for finance functions. Here you'll find support on identifying how AI can benefit your organisation and how to start implementing the technology.

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Making AI work for your business

What opportunities does AI offer?

Key AI technologies for finance

ICAEW and Deloitte believe that there are three technologies using artificial intelligence and cognitive computing that are of most relevance to finance functions: cognitive language, machine learning and computer vision. Find out how these technologies work and what they can do.

How finance teams are using AI

Read real-life examples of how finance functions are using artificial intelligence and cognitive technologies, to improve efficiency and solve problems such as matching payments to invoices, answering supplier queries and preventing payment disputes.

How to implement AI

Risks and assurance of emerging technologies

Cognitive and automation technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) have drawn a great deal of interest, but also concern about the potential for bias and misuse. ICAEW’s Tech Faculty examines the risks associated with the adoption of emerging technology and how these risks can be tackled through internal controls and assurance.

The challenges of implementing AI

To help finance teams considering artificial intelligence or cognitive computing technologies, ICAEW and Deloitte have identified the common barriers to success that must be overcome. These include: access to data, availability of skills and the integration of systems.

Five steps to get started with AI

Artificial intelligence and cognitive computing technologies present some exciting opportunities for finance, but they can also be a daunting prospect. ICAEW and Deloitte have come up with five simple steps to help get you started.

How to support your business to embrace digital

Preparing yourself and your organisation for the impact of disruptive digital technologies might feel like a daunting task, but this eLearning module introduces you to a three step approach that is designed to help businesses embrace this change within finance.

Finance in a digital world

Complete the FDW eLearning course

ICAEW is collaborating with Deloitte to ensure its members and students have the knowledge and skills to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the fourth industrial revolution and to meet its challenges head on. Log-in to access exclusive eLearning content.

Latest articles

A deep dive into deepfakes

Deepfake technology, which uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create highly realistic but fake images, audio, and videos, is rapidly emerging as a significant threat in the cyber security landscape. As cyber criminals adopt this technology to exploit vulnerabilities, businesses must understand its implications and strengthen their defences.

Databases, Data Warehouses and Data Lakes for Accountants

Accountants today rely on software like Oracle, Sage, Excel, and many other technologies to store important data and help generate financial statements and insights. This article provides a high-level overview of different data infrastructure used in accounting and how these fit into contemporary technology such as PowerBI, PowerPivot, Excel, APIs.

Latest insights

A deep dive into deepfakes

Deepfake technology, which uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create highly realistic but fake images, audio, and videos, is rapidly emerging as a significant threat in the cyber security landscape. As cyber criminals adopt this technology to exploit vulnerabilities, businesses must understand its implications and strengthen their defences.

Further support

More ICAEW support

Artificial intelligence

Discover more about the impact of artificial intelligence and the opportunities it presents for the accountancy profession.

Useful links

Generative AI and the future of the legal profession

A LexisNexis July 2023 report into the views of UK legal professionals on using artificial intelligence (AI) tools within their firms. The report's findings included that clients want their law firms to adopt AI tools sooner than the latter think. Requires free registration to access.

Establishing a pro-innovation approach to regulating AI

Policy paper from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, and Office for Artificial Intelligence on the UK's emerging approach to AI regulation.

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